21 day fix · Beach Body · Breakfast · Protien Powder · Shakeology · Snacks · Uncategorized · Weightloss

Gingerbread Shakeology

Gingerbread Shakeology

1 serving


  • 1 scoop vanilla Shakeology
  • 1 tsp gingerbread spice *(make your own here)
  • 1 tsp fresh grated ginger
  • 1/2 tsp black strap molasses
  • 4 ice cubes
  • 1 cup water more or less depending on how thick you like add 1/2 cup first
  • 1/2 cup almond milk or cashew milk (may omit)


  1. put all in blender and blend!!

1 red



21 day fix · Beach Body · kid approved · Protien Powder · Shakeology · Snacks · Treats · Uncategorized

Chocolate Mug Cake with Cherry Chocolate Sauce 

Chocolate Mug Cake with Cherry Chocolate Sauce

21 day fix approved

1 serving

Ingredients Mug Cake

  • 1 egg
  • 2 Tbsp. almond milk or cashew milk
  • 1 scoop Chocolate Shakeology
  • ¼ tsp. baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp Stevia (optional)
  • 1 purple container of berries on top (optional)

Instructions for mug cake

  1. In bowl, beat egg and add almond milk. Stir until well-mixed.
  2. Add Shakeology, baking powder and Stir until mixture forms a batter.Think brownie batter
  3. Spray a large, microwave-safe bowl or mug I suggest a bowl as it turns to quite a lot,  with cooking spray. Pour in batter.
  4. Microwave for approximately 1 minute 30 seconds. I check the mug cake after 1 minute because I like mine a little gooey.
  5. When done, turn out onto a plate and enjoy! In a pinch, you can eat your mug cake right out of the mug!

Chocolate Cherry Sauce

1 Serving

21 day fix approved


  • 1 purple container frozen cherries (i used sour cherries) can use fresh just use more water
  • 1/8 cup COLD water
  • 1 tsp maple syrup
  • 1 tsp cornstarch
  • 1 tbsp Cocoa powder


  1. Place Cherries in pot on med high heat and heat till softened and juices start to flow keep stirring to prevent burning. may need to add a little water go by tablespoons
  2. In separate container mix cold water and cornstarch stir till combined, add cocoa powder and combine.
  3. add maple syrup to chocolate mixture
  4. pour chocolate mixture over cherries, and stir on low heat
  5. continue to heat on low heat until desired thickness

Pour over Cake!

1 1/2 Red, 1 purple 


Breakfast · DAMY HEALTH Recipes · Protien Powder · Snacks

Meal In a Cup

photo (6)


So do you have 5 min for Breakfast? This is the fastest way to eat breakfast for me anyways. Mornings for anybody with kids is crazy and sometimes I find it hard to eat breakfast at a decent time. I know there is a lot of you out there that don’t actually even eat breakfast. Well honestly this take 5 min to make and it includes everything you need to get your day moving properly!! Smoothies are great breakfast options for people on the go.

Here’s what’s in mine from Bottom to top

Heaping Handful of Spinach

1/3 cup Oatmeal COOKED ( Make a big batch at beginning of week and store in fridge)

1/2 cup frozen or fresh berries, frozen if you like you smoothies thicker and cold

scoop of Greens Powder

Scoop of Protein Powder


Now BLEND BLEND BLEND I have the Nutribullet I love it unscrew the top and you have a cup. Its so fast and easy

Come up with your own creations but this is my go to breakfast!!

DAMY Health  also has some great options if you want to check them out.




DAMY Method Natural Weight Loss Program 
DAMY Health Bikini Body Program

DAMY HEALTH Recipes · Greek Yogurt · Protien Powder · Snacks · Treats

Pineapple Coconut Upside Down Cake


DAMY Health has an awesome recipe for Pineapple Coconut muffins so I thought what a perfect recipe to make a cake!! It turned out soooo good, I can’t even explain, I also made it with cherries too, so good too!! I followed her recipe to a T except making it a cake instead of muffins!! The best thing about this recipe is there is no flour its CHICKPEAS!! She has made some awesome snacks with them. I actually made this along time ago and forgot to share it with you and realized once she put out her salted upside down apple Caramel  here are a couple more from .

Salted Upside Down Apple Caramel Cake

and my favourite which I’m going to have to make tonight is

Chocolate Cake Batter!! Hello which can also be made to cookie batter!! looks like this and tastes divine!!


I also mix some protein powder into this mixture!!

So go out and get yourself some chickpeas cause they are worth a shot trust me!!


DAMY Method Natural Weight Loss Program DAMY Health Bikini Body Program

DAMY HEALTH Recipes · Protien Powder · Snacks · Treats

Who Doesn’t Like Chocolate Bars!!

eatmore bars

Ok so you got me these aren’t chocolate bars, but they are super delish and they taste like and eatmore bar!! Which just happens to be my favorite chocolate bar! It is actually this recipe that attracted me to Damy Health in the first place and since then I have been in love with all there creations. I did add some caramel/butterscotch extract to these too just to give them that little bit more taste of a chocolate bar! But these Hands down are my favorite! Trust me they won’t disappoint. I suggest clicking here.

Amy Layne's Bikini Body Program 
DAMY Method - Natural Weight Loss Program

Breakfast · Drinks · Protien Powder · Treats

MMMM Coffee

Look what I found and its great sooo delish!!

creamernutrition label

So Delicious Coconut milk for coffee! Check them out they have a ton of products including ice cream!! Yummy!!


I also get asked alot on which protein powder I use. It comes in 3 flavours, Plain, vanilla and Chocolate.

protien powder nutritio


If you want to learn more about there products they do off a wide range of items click here Honestly I just love this protein powder it mixes like a dream and it tastes great!!

If you mix the two of these products together its one dreamy coffee!! I do this every morning and its my favorite. I used to just mix the protein powder in my coffee but now that I have found the creamer my coffee just got a whole lot more tasty!!

DAMY HEALTH Recipes · Protien Powder · Snacks · Treats

No-Bake Oatmeal Raisin Protein Balls

oatmeal raisin balls

Holly Did I ever have a craving for oatmeal cookies this morning so when a craving calls whip them up!! These are great mmmm and there is Protein Powder in them. I don’t know what it is but when there is protein powder in things it makes it easier justify to eat it as a meal lol. So for my snack today I whipped up a batch of these bad boys!! With all my knowledge of balls now (get your mind outta the gutter) I was meaning from DAMY Health and all her delish recipes for no bake balls and cookies. I can kind of just whip up anything now and hope that it tastes good!! This one was a success that for sure.

No –Bake Oatmeal Raisin Protein Balls

Makes 18 Balls


2 scoops Natural Protein Powder ( Vanilla would work fine too)

1 cup pecans

1 cup Raisins

1 cup oatmeal

1 tsp Vanilla extract

2 tsp cinnamon

1/8 tsp Salt

3 Tbsp Water ( slowly add this at the end just to get mixture to stick together good, you might not need all this. Depends on how moist your raisins are.)


Place all your ingredients into Food processor ( I use a Ninja Blender) and mix and mix you might have to stop a couple times to scrape down the sides. Slowly add your water and BAM your done its that’s easy. Place in the fridge for about 20 minutes before shaping into balls or bars which ever you prefer. I prefer balls its much faster with my little scoop and less messy. This will firm up the mixture making it easy to handle. ha-ha

I would eat 2 of these for a snack.

If oatmeal raisin isn’t your thing hope on over to DAMY Health and check out some of her great recipes here


Question: When you have cravings do you just eat it or do you try and avoid it and do something else?

I tend to just go and make or get what I’m craving otherwise I just eat everything else possible to try and avoid that craving in the first place, overall eating wayyyyyy more food then I would have if I would have just ate what I was craving!!

Alright thats it for today Bump yah later Folks!

Amy Layne's Bikini Body Program 
DAMY Method - Natural Weight Loss Program

DAMY HEALTH Recipes · Protien Powder · Snacks

Orange Creamsicles


You know what feels like spring eating a creamsicle, a skinny orange creamsicle at that, mmmm. What better weather to eat creamsicles in too!
I made mine in Dixie Cups and placed Popsicle sticks In them! It doesn’t get easier then that.
You can head on over to DAMY Health to get the recipe for these.

Protien Powder

Fave things Friday!

Whooo it’s Friday!!, Actually everyday is Friday for me so it doesn’t really matter but for those of you out there where the days matter, the weekend is here, this week actually has flown by already.

So im going to make Friday’s my fave things or finds!! So going with that here is my FAVORITE find so far, I use it all the time!

The Ninja

Today I whipped up some goodies in there. I made protein Eatmore Bars and Mini Pumpkin protein Pies ( These were a test run) Not sure how they are going to taste, ill let you know if they are worth posting the recipe for!!

If you havent seen this puppy in action you MUST!!
Here’s the LINK
Seriously It does it all, it has to be one of my favorites!! As far as a blender goes. This was one of my can’t sleep at 4am purchases haha whoops but totally worth it!!
Ok so on to the goods
Here is the protein Eatmore Bars
Eat More Bars!
from Damy Health, you can get the recipe there.
honestly these things are AWSOME!! soooo good taste like the real thing you would never know its healthy for you!
Work out today was just Cardio,
I have been trying this 20 min challenge out it’s a doozer, it’s actually 30 min, and there is no way in I can run that fast right now so im doing about an 8 instead of 12 mph, with 30 sec runs with 15 sec rests, Trust me it still burns. I did this on Tuesday and then today and will do it again on Sunday!!
bump yah later!
Mel ♥